Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Source Code "Lorong" :D

Lampiran 1
Source Code untuk object pada game Lorong:

Information about object: wall_corner

Sprite: sprite_wall_corner
Solid: true
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Information about object: wall_horizontal

Sprite: sprite_wall_horizontal
Solid: true
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: wall_corner

Information about object: wall_vertical

Sprite: sprite_wall_vertical
Solid: true
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: wall_corner

Information about object: obj_goal

Sprite: sprite_goal
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Collision Event with object obj_person:
set the score relative to 40
play sound sound_goal; looping: false
sleep 1000 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: true
if next room exists
go to next room with transition effect
display message: Selamat anda telah menyelesaikan game Lorong ini! Terima kasih, pesan, kritik, saran dan kesan kirim ke email wiwienph@plasa.com
set the score relative to 250
show the highscore table
background: background_main
show the border
new color: 255, other color: 0
Font: Arial,12,0,1,0,0,0
restart the game

Information about object: obj_person

Sprite: sprite_person
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: -5
Persistent: false
Create Event:
set the sprite to sprite_person with subimage 0 and speed 0

Step Event:
if object is aligned with grid with cells of 32 by 8 pixels
if at relative position (0,0) there is object move_up
start moving in directions 000000010 with speed set to 8
if object is aligned with grid with cells of 32 by 8 pixels
if at relative position (0,0) there is object move_down
start moving in directions 010000000 with speed set to 8
if object is aligned with grid with cells of 8 by 32 pixels
if at relative position (0,0) there is object move_left
start moving in directions 000100000 with speed set to 8
if object is aligned with grid with cells of 8 by 32 pixels
if at relative position (0,0) there is object move_right
start moving in directions 000001000 with speed set to 8

Collision Event with object wall_corner:
start moving in directions 000010000 with speed set to 8

Collision Event with object monster_lr:
play sound sound_dead; looping: false
sleep 1000 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: true
set the number of lives relative to -1
restart the current room with transition effect

Collision Event with object monster_ud:
play sound sound_dead; looping: false
sleep 1000 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: true
set the number of lives relative to -1
restart the current room with transition effect

Collision Event with object monster_all:
if afraid is equal to 1
play sound sound_monster; looping: false
set the score relative to 50
for other object: jump to the start position
for other object: set Alarm 0 to 1
play sound sound_dead; looping: false
sleep 1000 milliseconds; redrawing the screen: true
set the number of lives relative to -1
restart the current room with transition effect

Collision Event with object block:
COMMENT: Do nothing, but notify it

Keyboard Event for Key:
if object is aligned with grid with cells of 32 by 32 pixels
start moving in directions 000010000 with speed set to 8

Keyboard Event for Key:
if object is aligned with grid with cells of 32 by 32 pixels
start moving in directions 000100000 with speed set to 4
set the sprite to sprite_person with subimage 3 and speed 0

Keyboard Event for Key:
if object is aligned with grid with cells of 32 by 32 pixels
start moving in directions 000000010 with speed set to 4
set the sprite to sprite_person with subimage 1 and speed 0

Keyboard Event for Key:
if object is aligned with grid with cells of 32 by 32 pixels
start moving in directions 000001000 with speed set to 4
set the sprite to sprite_person with subimage 2 and speed 0

Keyboard Event for Key:
if object is aligned with grid with cells of 32 by 32 pixels
start moving in directions 010000000 with speed set to 4
set the sprite to sprite_person with subimage 0 and speed 0

Information about object: obj_door

Sprite: sprite_door
Solid: true
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: wall_corner

Step Event:
if number of objects obj_diamond is Equal to 0
play sound sound_door; looping: false
destroy the instance

Information about object: obj_diamond

Sprite: sprite_diamond
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Destroy Event:
set the score relative to 5
play sound sound_diamond; looping: false

Collision Event with object obj_person:
destroy the instance

Information about object: controller_start

Solid: false
Visible: false
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Create Event:
set the score to 0
set the information in the window caption:
don't show score with caption score:
don't show lives with caption lives:
don't show health with caption health:
set the number of lives to 3
play sound sound_background; looping: true

Keyboard Event for Key:
go to next room with transition effect

Information about object: controller_main

Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Keyboard Event for N-key Key:
go to next room with transition effect

Keyboard Event for P-key Key:
go to previous room with transition effect

Keyboard Event for R-key Key:
play sound sound_dead; looping: false
set the number of lives relative to -1
restart the current room with transition effect

Other Event: No More Lives:
show the highscore table
background: background_main
show the border
new color: 255, other color: 0
Font: Arial,12,0,1,0,0,0
restart the game

Draw Event:
set the font for drawing text to score_font and align left
set the drawing color to 255
at relative position (300,4) draw the value of score with caption Score:
at relative position (8,4) draw text: Lives:
draw the lives relative at (70,4) with sprite sprite_lives

Information about object: monster_lr

Sprite: sprite_monster1
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: -10
Persistent: false

Create Event:
start moving in directions 000101000 with speed set to 32/6

End Step Event:
if hspeed is smaller than 0
set the sprite to sprite_monster1 with subimage 3 and speed 0
set the sprite to sprite_monster1 with subimage 2 and speed 0

Collision Event with object wall_corner:
reverse horizontal direction

Information about object: monster_ud

Sprite: sprite_monster2
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: -10
Persistent: false

Create Event:
start moving in directions 010000010 with speed set to 32/6

End Step Event:
if vspeed is smaller than 0
set the sprite to sprite_monster2 with subimage 1 and speed 0
set the sprite to sprite_monster2 with subimage 0 and speed 0

Collision Event with object wall_corner:
reverse vertical direction

Information about object: monster_all

Sprite: sprite_monster3
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: -10
Persistent: false

Create Event:
start moving in directions 010101010 with speed set to 32/6
set variable afraid to false
set variable image_speed to 0

Alarm Event for alarm 0:
set variable afraid to false
set the sprite to sprite_monster3 with subimage -1 and speed 0

Step Event:
if object is aligned with grid with cells of 32 by 32 pixels
with a chance of 1 out of 8 do perform the next action
start moving in directions 010101010 with speed set to 32/6

End Step Event:
if hspeed is smaller than -1
set variable image_index to 3
if hspeed is larger than 1
set variable image_index to 2
if vspeed is smaller than -1
set variable image_index to 1
if vspeed is larger than 1
set variable image_index to 0

Collision Event with object wall_corner:
set speed to 32/6 and direction to direction+90
if relative position (hspeed,vspeed) is collision free for Only solid objects
exit this event
set speed to 32/6 and direction to direction+180
if relative position (hspeed,vspeed) is collision free for Only solid objects
exit this event
set speed to 32/6 and direction to direction-90

Information about object: bomb

Sprite: sprite_bomb
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 10
Persistent: false

Information about object: trigger

Sprite: sprite_trigger
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Collision Event with object obj_person:
play sound sound_explode; looping: false
for all bomb: change the instance into object explosion, yes performing events
for all trigger: destroy the instance

Information about object: explosion

Sprite: sprite_explosion
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: -10
Persistent: false

Create Event:
move relative to position (-200,-200)
kill all instances at relative position (200-16,200-16)
kill all instances at relative position (200-16,200+16)
kill all instances at relative position (200-16,200+48)
kill all instances at relative position (200+16,200-16)
kill all instances at relative position (200+16,200+16)
kill all instances at relative position (200+16,200+48)
kill all instances at relative position (200+48,200-16)
kill all instances at relative position (200+48,200+16)
kill all instances at relative position (200+48,200+48)
move relative to position (200,200)

Other Event: Animation End:
destroy the instance

Information about object: block

Sprite: sprite_block
Solid: true
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: wall_corner

Collision Event with object obj_person:
if relative position (8*other.hspeed,8*other.vspeed) is collision free for All objects
play sound sound_push; looping: false
move relative to position (8*other.hspeed,8*other.vspeed)
if at relative position (8*other.hspeed,8*other.vspeed) there is object hole
move relative to position (8*other.hspeed,8*other.vspeed)

Information about object: hole

Sprite: sprite_hole
Solid: true
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false
Parent: wall_corner

Collision Event with object block:
play sound sound_hole; looping: false
destroy the instance
for other object: destroy the instance

Information about object: bonus

Sprite: sprite_bonus
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Collision Event with object obj_person:
set the score relative to 100
play sound sound_diamond; looping: false
destroy the instance

Information about object: heart

Sprite: sprite_heart
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Collision Event with object obj_person:
set the number of lives relative to 1
play sound sound_life; looping: false
destroy the instance

Information about object: move_up

Sprite: sprite_up
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Information about object: move_down

Sprite: sprite_down
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Information about object: move_left

Sprite: sprite_left
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Information about object: move_right

Sprite: sprite_right
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Information about object: ring

Sprite: sprite_ring
Solid: false
Visible: true
Depth: 0
Persistent: false

Collision Event with object obj_person:
play sound sound_diamond; looping: false
destroy the instance
for all monster_all: set the sprite to sprite_monster_afraid with subimage -1 and speed 0
for all monster_all: set variable afraid to true
for all monster_all: set Alarm 0 to 300
set the score relative to 20

scripting language

A high-level programming, or command, language that is interpreted (translated on the fly) rather than compiled ahead of time. A scripting, or script, language may be a general-purpose programming language or it may be limited to specific functions used to augment the running of an application or system program. JavaScript is widely used on Web pages for general calculations as well as drop-down menus and other fancy menu and graphics actions. It enables the programmer to display a message such as "you forgot to give us your telephone number... please fill in and re-submit."

Communications scripts (widely used before the Web) and spreadsheet macros are examples of limited-purpose scripting languages. DOS batch files and Windows scripts are also examples. Microsoft's Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a scripting language. VBA is a subset of Visual Basic that is used to automate Microsoft Office applications. Perl, Tcl and Python are very comprehensive programming languages that are often called scripting languages. See JavaScript, Perl, Tcl/Tk, Python, VBA, DOS batch file, Windows Script Host and COM automation.

· Launched: Sep 01, 2004
· Updated: Aug 25, 2004
· Section: Articles & Tutorials :: General Networking
· Author: Brien M. Posey
· Printable Version
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· Rating: 4.1/5 - 94 Votes

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Kadang, nilai sebuah ponsel tidak ditentukan oleh merek dan tipenya. Namun juga karena data-data penting dan rahasia, atau bahkan nilai sejarah yang melekat padanya. Bayangkan jika ponsel dicuri orang rasanya setengah mati kan? Apakah ada cara untuk melacaknya? Ada!!

Ada beberapa aplikasi “ anti maling”. Salah satunya adalah “PhoneBAK Mobilephone”. Prisipnya; ketika ponsel berpindah tangan dan si “tangan jahil” mengganti SIM Card, aplikasi PhoneBAK diam-diam mengirim pesan ke nomor tertentu yang telah kita tentukan sebelumnya, misalnya nomor cadangan. Setelah mengetahui nomor si pelaku, anda bisa bersiasat untuk bisa melacaknya, atau membuat perjanjian agar ponsel bisa dikembalikan, dengan menjajikan memberikan imbalan misalnya.

Download versi trial PhoneBAK Mobilephone dari http://www.handango.com/servlet/d/phonebakmobile.zip?s=308&p=210832&secw=2c6002d2&email=
Unzip file, akan muncul 4 buah folder dan 4 buah file.
Transfer file ‘PhoneBAK-Mobilephone.sis’ ke ponsel. Jangan lupa, sesuaikan dengan tipe ponsel anda (lihat kompatibilitas).
Jalankan aplikasi. Dengan membuka menu > pilih PhoneBAK > options > open. Kali pertama dijalankan, aplikasi meminta anda mengisikan ‘password’, isikan dengan angka ‘1234’ (ini merupakan password default). Kelak anda harus mengubahnya.
Lakukan pengaturan dengan mengisi ‘send1’ dengan nomor lain anda, sebagai tujuan pengiriman pesan bila SIM card digantikan dengan SIM card lain. Begitu juga dengan ‘send2’, hanya saja pada ‘send2’ kita dapat mengisi nomor tersebut secara internasional. Selanjutnya ganti isian dari ‘customize your message’ dengan kalimat yang kita inginkan. Misalnya ‘ Hp ini telah dicuri orang’. Jangan lupa untuk menyimpannya (save) dengan membuka ‘options’ > ‘save’.
Lakukan pengujian dengan mengganti SIM card pada ponsel tersebut dengan SIM card lain. Bila nomor yang terisi pada ‘send1’ mendapat pesan singkat yang telah anda isi sebelumnya, berarti aplikasi berjalan normal. Ketika aplikasi diatur pada posisi ‘enabled’, setiap kali ponsel dihidupkan, aplikasi ini akan memeriksa informasi SIM card. Jika SIM card tidak dikenali, kontan 2 buah pesan singkat akan dia kirim, satu untuk nomor local (send1) dan satu laginya untuk nomor khusus (send2). Sedangkan pesan singkat akan berisi informasi SIM card (IMSI), nomor model ponsel (IMEI), cellID, dan kode lokasi. Cukup lengkap kan? Selain itu, ketika aplikasi dijalankan, akan muncul permintaan pengisian password. Jika password yang diisikan salah, aplikasi langsung mengirim pesan lagi.
Bila ingin membeli full version aplikasi ini, anda dapat mengunjungi situs http://www.bak2u.com/activePhonebak.php
Kompatibilitas :
Symbian OS versi 7.0 : Nokia 3230, 6260,6600,6620,6670,7610, Panasonic X700, X800, Samsung SGH-D710, SGH-D720, dan SGH-D730.
Symbian OS versi 7.0 : Nokia 6630, 6680, 6681, 6682, dan Lenovo P930.
Symbian OS versi 8.1 : Nokia N71, N70(music edition), N90, dan Samsung SGH-Z600.
Symbian OS versi 9.0 : Nokia E50, E60, E61/E61i, E62, E65, E70, N71, N73, N75, N76, N77, N80, N90, N91, N92, N93//N93i, N95, 3250, 5500 sport, 5700, 6110 Navigator, 6120, 6290, Samsung SGH-i400, SGH-i520, dan LG KS10 Joy.